Definition of Canadian dollar

1. Noun. The basic unit of money in Canada. "The Canadian dollar has the image of loon on one side of the coin"

Exact synonyms: Loonie
Generic synonyms: Dollar

Definition of Canadian dollar

1. Noun. The official currency of Canada. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Canadian Dollar

Canadian Armed Forces
Canadian Ballet
Canadian English
Canadian Falls
Canadian Forces
Canadian French
Canadian Maritime Provinces
Canadian River
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Canadian Shield
Canadian aspen
Canadian bacon
Canadian capital
Canadian dollar
Canadian dollars
Canadian fleabane
Canadian football
Canadian goldenrod
Canadian goose
Canadian hemlock
Canadian pondweed
Canadian province
Canadian raising
Canadian red pine
Canadian red pines

Literary usage of Canadian dollar

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Making Free Trade Work: The Canada-U.S. Agreement by Morici, Peter (1990)
"First, owing to the dependence of the Canadian economy on US policies and performance, the value of the Canadian dollar already substantially follows the ..."

2. Direct Marketing Guide to Canada edited by William A. Delphos (1992)
"The Canadian dollar The fluctuation between the US and Canadian dollar is ... The dollar sign ($) for the Canadian dollar is the same as for the US dollar. ..."

3. New Visions for Canadian Business: Strategies for Competing in the Global by Alan M. Rugman, Joseph R. DCruz (1990)
"The recovery of the dollar in the last two years has offset the temporary advantage of the mid-80s and restored the Canadian dollar to its more normal value ..."

4. Globalisation and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). by Chris Hall, Marie-Florence Estimé, Anna Creti (1997)
"The first factor is the value of the Canadian dollar, the second is the competitiveness of enterprises, the third is the training of the work force and the ..."

5. International Finance and Its Reorganization by Elisha Michael Friedman (1922)
"... rose to parity.28 Again, the depreciation of the Canadian dollar in the United States induced curtailment of Canadian purchases in the United States. ..."

6. Western Canada by Paul-Eric Dumontier, Jennifer McMorran, Pierre Longnus (2004)
"Movies and Television The low Canadian dollar compared to the US dollar has earned Vancouver the nickname "Hollywood North." Indeed, Hollywood producers ..."

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